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3 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Pregnancy Photography Session

Maternity Photographer - Atlanta ga

May 9, 2019

Pregnancy photography is a unique and special way to remember the time in your life when you were growing a new life inside of you. The end of the second trimester to the beginning of the third trimester is the ideal time to book a session with James Hill Photography when your belly is nice and rounded. You’re over the sickness of early pregnancy and still have a way to go before you become too large to move around comfortably. We are thrilled to document your journey with pregnancy photography and offer three tips below to help you make the most of it.

Consider Having Your Hair and Make-Up Done by a Professional

This session is all about pampering you and celebrating your upcoming motherhood. While some women feel more comfortable in front of the camera than others, we have found that visiting a professional hairstylist and make-up artist ahead of time helps our clients feel more relaxed and confident. If that isn’t quite in the budget, ask a friend to help you prepare so that you look and feel your best in the studio.


Try a Variety of Poses and Backgrounds

When you look at your finished proofs, you will just know which ones are your favorites without having to glance at them for too long. The advantage of taking numerous photos using different poses and backgrounds is that it gives you a wider pool of prints to select the ones you love the most.

James will use his years of experience with pregnancy photography to place you in flattering poses that capture the anticipation of upcoming motherhood, the bond you already have with your baby, and the love that you and your partner share. We offer several background options as well, including a city landscape or outdoor garden.

Go for Lots of Color

Bright, vibrant colors tend to make the most dramatic maternity photos. We recommend sticking with solid colors and staying away from patterns since they can be distracting. You don’t need to do any extra shopping to prepare for your session when you borrow one of our maternity gowns. We invite you to view our dress collection on Pinterest to help decide what you would like to wear during your upcoming session. You will notice a range of bold, solid colors such as yellow, red, plum, gray, and white.

Please Schedule Your Pregnancy Photography Session One to Two Months in Advance

As you can image, the maternity photo sessions as James Hill Photography are in high demand. We recommend that you request your appointment at least one month and up to two months ahead of time to ensure the ideal timing in your pregnancy. The 28 to 34-week window that we advise also gives you plenty of time in case your bundle of joy decides to arrive ahead of schedule. Please make sure you have up to two unhurried hours to devote to your session for the highest quality results. You may contact us at your convenience when you’re ready to reserve your spot.


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